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Create, customize and publish your app in minutes: AppsGeyser - your one-stop app maker and publishing solution

Create and publish app to increase and retain your customer base.

Absolutely free app creator. Unlock additional features with Premium plan.

No coding skills required: 30+ app templates to build Android application in 2 minutes

Easy tutorials and weekly updated knowledge base: We have multiple step-by-step guides on app creation, publication and promotion.

How to become an app creator?

Are you tired of boring everyday job that doesn't bring much money?

Become Mobile App Developer and make money online with Android apps.

You need $0 and no coding skills to build an app business.

Target the biggest app market with over 1 bln users: Google Play Store.

Show your apps to friends, clients and worldwide users.

Make viral Android applications and become famous!

Create unique mobile app experience to engage users all over the world.

Fulfill your fantasies in app-making form.

Express yourself and your creativity while building apps!

What is AppsGeyser?

Launched in 2011, AppsGeyser is a free app creator that allows converting any website into an Android App in 2 easy steps

Why Building Android Apps with AppsGeyser?

Fastest Mobile App Creator

It takes 30 seconds to build an APK file ready for distribution

Easiest No Code App Maker

You can make an app without any special skills: no coding or design

Free App Templates

More than 35 free app templates for business, daily life, fun and games

App Tutorials and Guides

We give you step-by-step manuals on how to create apps, publish and monetize them

We're Interested in Your Success

We will help you to promote mobile apps so they become popular and earn money for you

Complete Experience

We'll lead you from making your first Android application to growing and monetizing it

How to become android app creator for free?

We monetize through transparent 50/50 revenue share on advertisements. So we only profit when you profit, we are interested in your success

Additionally if you don't want to show advertisements in your apps you can remove them for a small monthly fee. This way we can stay in business since we profit only from advertisements.

We offer additional Premium features for a small fee to maximize your revenue or entirely disable advertisements

App Creators Reviews

AppsGeyser App Builder in numbers

Our apps users on the live map

7 000 +

Apps Created Every Day

6 000 000 +

Total Apps Created All Over The World

800 000 +

App Installations Per Day

Choose from Over 35 Free App Templates

AppsGeyser offers the large number of customizable templates for Android app creating and development

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is AppsGeyser App Builder?

AppsGeyser is an app making software designed to be simple and user-friendly.
You create a new app in real time and can use immediately.
AppsGeyser offers easy visual template tools for app creators like drag and drop.
You can publish your app on any existing app market for Android users!
You can build app without coding from online content – documents, texts, images, custom HTML code, etc. App makers are best for small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs who have limited time, limited budgets and limited coding expertise.

2. How much does it cost to build an app?

AppsGeyser is a free app builder with over 10 million apps created to date. You can create, use, download, share apps for free. We have no hidden charges for downloading and using APK & AAB files. The basic functionality of the app builder is completely free.
For advanced users and businesses AppsGeyser offers premium features and plans.
If you want to remove AppsGeyser ads from your Android app, you need to subscribe to one of the Premium plans on the platform. With Premium features you can fully control ads in your app including disabling them.
Other benefits of premium features:
  • AppsGeyser branding removal;
  • Custom branding;
  • Unlimited push notifications;
  • Custom push notifications;
  • In-app purchases.

3. Can a beginner make an own app?

App creator providing step-by-step instructions which will allow even the most basic computer user to develop and launch their very own mobile app. Even a 7 years old kid can create its own app with AppsGeyser. The only preparation you need is to decide what app do you want to build. Even those with little or no experience will be able to quickly learn how to effectively make an app.

4. How is AppsGeyser Maker helping small business?

You’re mistaken if you assume smartphone apps are only for big-name companies like Walmart or Amazon.
In fact, many companies now have their own specialized mobile app, whether it’s the corner coffee shop or the downtown beauty spa.
Mobile apps have become the need of the hour. They are being used by companies to increase their sales and create a better customer experience.
A mobile app enables businesses to both engage with current customers, and gain new ones, which can open up new streams of revenue.
Small companies usually wants to quickly create an app, which will not cost very much money, so an app maker is the solution that need for small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs.
An app maker is a low-cost and easy-to-use platform that enables a company to explore the benefits of having a mobile app without an expensive and time-consuming development process.
An app maker will help best for a business that wants a simple mobile app, an app that doesn’t need a lot of customization.

5. How to publish my app on Google Play?

To upload Android apps you need to create a Google Play Developer account. While registering you’ll need to pay a one-time fee of $25. After signing up wait for the approval by Google.
Your mobile app must be optimized for the app store prior to loading them on Google Play.
You need to submit AAB file and screenshots on Play Store for publishing app.
AppsGeyser support team will help you publish your app on Google Play

6. How to earn money with an android app?

So you have a free app and now you be wondering just how exactly you can make money from a totally free app?
There are different ways that you can make money from your app:
  • Advertising
  • Referral Marketing
  • In-App Purchases
  • Subscription Model
  • Sponsorship
  • Collecting and Selling Data
  • Selling Merchandise
Read this ultimate app money-making guide, we provide you with all the information on how to make money with apps for free.

7. Do I need other app creating software besides AppsGeyser?

You can make a mobile app online at Unlike custom app development, an app maker requires no software downloads, and is easy to navigate, providing step-by-step instructions which will allow even the most basic computer user to develop and launch their very own mobile app.
No need to install Android Studio or any other special app development software. Just make sure you have a stable internet connection and start making your app.

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