What Are Your Favorite Features in an EDC Pouch?

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EDCers as a whole seem to be big fans of the pouch organizer. It’s our secret weapon for managing all of our gear that’s hard to carry, but entirely necessary. But just as our EDCs can vary drastically from person to person, so can a pouch organizer. They come in all different shapes, sizes, and styles. 

Since so many of you out there use pouch organizers, we want to know… 

What does the perfect EDC pouch look like to you?

If you don’t have an EDC pouch yet, read on for a quick primer on some features and qualities to look for when searching for your own.

1. Size

Depending on the size of the pouch, you can use it for different applications. “Micro” sized EDC pouches can be a minimalist’s dream — an entirely self-contained kit of small items that would otherwise be hard to keep track of, like a first aid or survival kit. 

Something more pocket-sized can be your grab-and-go kit with full-sized items to cover your bases. These are probably the most popular and most versatile style, since it can work in a cargo or coat pocket as well as on its own or in a bag. 

Then, larger pouches can add organization to your bag while handling cumbersome or awkwardly shaped items like cables, notebooks, and tablets. They’re especially good for keeping in your car or if you tend to switch between bags and luggages often.

What’s your preferred size of pouch? Micro, pocket, or something larger?

2. Format and Layout

Typically, pouch organizers open with a zipper and lay flat like a book, with different organization features on either side. This style is especially popular since it gives an “at a glance” look at everything you need, making retrieval and storage especially easy. 

This isn’t always the case, though, as some EDCers prefer to use a “stuff sack” styled utility pouch with a single zipper that runs across the top with no internal organization. This is better for simpler carries and can be useful when you just need a degree of separation from the rest of your gear, like a change of clothes or toiletries. 

Some pouches are more vertically oriented and work more like a belt sheath or holster. This style of organizer makes for easy access and can be handled more easily when you’re on the go.

What’s your favorite style of pouch?

3. Organization Features

Even with the right size and style, it’s crucial that your organizer works the way you’re most comfortable with. The simplest and most common form of gear organization is webbing: elastic loops of varying widths and placements that fit most EDC gear well, like pocket knives, multi-tools, pens, and cables. 

You also see slip pockets for flat items like notebooks or credit cards too. Sometimes you can find organizers with internal zippered pockets, which keep tiny essentials that wouldn’t typically fit in webbing. 

Other features to consider include external compartments like a zippered or slip pocket, hook-and-loop or MOLLE webbing for modularity, mesh pockets for visibility, and soft-lined pockets for delicate gadgets or eyewear.

What kind of internal organization do you find most useful?

4. Materials and Appearance

Last but not least, it’s important to pay attention to what your organizer is made of. High denier nylon is usually your best bet since it’s durable yet soft, allowing the pouch to conform to the gear you fill it with. However, you might want something made of leather for a more professional looking carry. Outdoorsy EDCers might want some kind of waterproof technical material to protect their gear from the elements. 

You should also consider color: while black, OD green, and khaki are classic, muted colors that blend well with tactical gear, it might not be the most practical where high visibility is an advantage. For example, you’d probably want a bright red or orange colored pouch for a first aid or survival kit. Brighter colors are easier to see at the bottom of your pack or if you happen to drop it when out in the field.

What’s your favorite material for your organizer?

Hopefully you’ve gotten some ideas about not just what you carry, but how you carry it too. We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Leave a comment describing what the EDC pouch of your dreams looks like and who knows… maybe it’ll become a reality!

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