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Man Utd has a superior record against Man City in history, but ‘The Citizens’ under Pep Guardiola brings a different image

The Manchester Derby, which is played between Manchester United and Manchester City, is universally recognized as being among the most important matches in the annals of English football. Because of the United Arab Emirates’ involvement in the club’s ownership, this match has “transformed” into an even bigger draw over the past decade. In this country of fog, the green half of Manchester has developed into a powerful political and economic force. 

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The matchup between Manchester United and Manchester City is consistently anticipated.

While Manchester City is definitely making progress, Manchester United has taken a noticeable step backwards ever since Sir Alex Ferguson stepped down as head coach. When the “Red Devils” failed to claim the title of winners of the most prestigious competition in the nation for the tenth year in a row, the Old Trafford club was forced to make way for the Manchester City squad in the Premier League.

There is also a disparity in terms of strength between Manchester United and Manchester City in the current season. The “Red Devils” are having trouble finding a path that will lead them to the top group, whereas Manchester City spends the majority of their time dominating the top of the Premier League, despite the fact that they often play poorly. The “Red Devils” are having trouble finding a route to ascend to the top group.

The name MU has been referred to in history.

Manchester United 1-2 Manchester City - BBC Sport

Although MU cannot compete on the same level as Manchester City at the moment, when the “Red Devils'” achievements in previous head-to-head matchups are taken into account, they look to have an advantage over their rivals from the same city. According to the statistics gathered from 11v11 matches, the two sides have squared off 190 times in all tournaments since 1891. Out of them, Manchester United came out on top 78 times, while Manchester City could only claim victory 59 times. The remaining 53 matches ended in a draw.

While Sir Alex was in office, Manchester United played Manchester City 47 times. Specifically, the home team at Old Trafford won 26 matches and only lost 11 matches over the course of the season. 

Pep Guardiola has led “The Citizens” to 10 victories over Manchester United since taking over as manager of the club, and Manchester City has defeated the club a total of 13 times since Sir Alex Ferguson’s retirement. And there will be 10 opportunities for the “Red Devils” to rejoice. 

Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City side did more than just flip the script when it came to who plays as the home team at Manchester’s Etihad Stadium. They also established themselves as one of the most prominent English football teams competing in the C1 Cup arena.

The most important matches in the history of Manchester United and Manchester City.

MU 4-3 Round 6 of the Premier League 2009/10 took place on September 20, 2009 at Man City.

During this encounter, Man City’s roster had many notable players, such as Kolo Toure, Gareth Barry, and Carlos Tevez, among others. Because of this, “The Citizens” are able to construct an incredibly enticing score chase with MU. 

Both teams were able to keep each other at bay until the overtime period of the second half. However, Owen scored for MU in his signature “Fergie Time” style, which was the game-winning goal in MU’s incredible come-from-behind triumph with a score of 4-3.

MU defeated Man City 2-1 in round 27 of the Premier League 2010/11 on February 12, 2011.

During the 2010–11 season of the Premier League, Manchester City put out significant efforts on multiple occasions in an effort to challenge Manchester United for the league championship. The defeat “The Citizens” suffered at the hands of another opponent from the same city in round 27 was extremely disheartening.

Rooney shines with a masterpiece that will live long in the memory.

Rooney’s brilliant “upside down bicycle” goal in the 78th minute of this encounter proved to be the game-winning score for Manchester United (MU), which led to their victory over Manchester City. It is widely acknowledged that this goal has the title of being the most stunning to ever be scored in a Manchester derby.

MU 1-6 Round 9 of the Premier League 2011/12 was played at Man City on October 23, 2011.

M.U 1-6 Man City (23/10/2011): Đêm đánh dấu sự trỗi dậy của

One of the blemishes on Manchester United’s record is the 6-1 loss they suffered to Manchester City in 2011. This is also the most significant defeat that the “Red Devils” have ever suffered whenever they have competed against the blue half of Manchester.

Fans of Manchester United suffer because of Balotelli.

Mario Balotelli is without a doubt going to be the most recognizable participant in this historic event. The character known as “Super Mario” turned in an outstanding performance, scoring two goals and celebrating in an arrogant manner by revealing the words “Why always me?”

Man City wins 6-3 over Manchester United on October 2, 2022, in round 9 of the Premier League 2022/23 season.

Man City đại thắng Man Utd 6-3 tại vòng 9 Ngoại hạng Anh 2022/23

Even though this is not one of Man City’s more impressive victories over Manchester United, many supporters still believe this game to be one in which “The Citizens” fully dominated the red half of Manchester. When Haaland first faced Manchester United at Old Trafford, he scored a hat-trick of outstanding quality, turning the match into a “nightmare” for the home club.

The defense of MU fell apart because of Haaland’s play.

The three goals scored by Manchester United in this encounter came at a time when Man City had already established a significant lead. As a result, this is merely a consolation and cannot disguise the fact that the “Red Devils” were defeated by their competitors.

MU defeated Man City 2-1 on the 14th of January in round 20 of the Premier League in 2022/23.

Manchester United 2-1 Manchester City: 5 Talking Points as Bruno Fernandes'  goal causes huge debates between pundits and fans | Premier League 2022-23

In light of the fact that Manchester United suffered a defeat to Manchester City in the first leg of this tie by a score of 3-6, there are very few supporters who believe their team can achieve victory here. After Grealish put Manchester City on the board with their first goal, everything became even more fundamental.

However, MU did not give up trying. They make an effort to pull themselves together and stage an emotional comeback. The Old Trafford team came out on top with a 2-1 triumph over their competitors thanks to goals scored by Bruno Fernandes and Rashford.

3 June 2023, FA Cup 2022/2, Manchester City 2, Manchester United 1.

The only way for Manchester City to realize their aim of winning the treble is to beat Manchester United in the FA Cup final in 2022–2023. In the meanwhile, MU’s goals for that season included attempting to capture a second title. 

Man City gloats after winning the FA Cup in the 2022–2023 season.

But MU’s hopes and dreams were not meant to be realized. The team of coach Ten Hag was defeated by Man City’s dominant posture and Gundogan’s two incredibly elegant goals, which put an end to the match.

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