Do you own an older Boeing 747 and are looking to improve the way it looks? Does your upper deck just look so small compared to the 747-300, 747-400 and especially the 747-8I? Well, do not worry… Boeing has a deal for you: the 747 Stretched Upper Deck (SUD). Well, I guess Boeing had a deal for you, since they aren’t in the business of doing this anymore.

The SUD gave airlines operating older -100 and -200 747 models, the ability to stretch the upper deck and increase the number of passengers flown. When plane spotting, it is typically easy to tell the difference from a 747-100/200 and the 747-300 by check out the stretched upper deck, but the SUD makes it a bit more complicated.

Information for airlines on the Boeing 747 Stretched Upper Deck. Image from Boeing.

CLICK FOR LARGER: Information for airlines on the Boeing 747 Stretched Upper Deck. Image from Boeing.

From the image above: “The design of the Stretched Upper Deck option allows a 10 percent increase in capacity with only a 2 percent change in operating empty weight. This means added profit potential, lower seat-mile costs and 5 percent lower fuel consumption per available seat-mile.”

“This new option, available for the -100B/SR/-200B and -200B Combi models adds 280 inches of structure to the upper deck cabin.”

“The change is accomplished using current engine options and brake release gross weights of -100B/-200B models. Five maximum brake release gross weights are available ranging from the basic weight of 775,000 pounds (351 520 kg) to 833,000 pounds (377 780 kg). In addition to the basic JT9D-7AW, the -200B Stretched Upper Deck option is available with the following optional engines: Pratt & Whitney JT9D-JFW, -7J, -7Q and -7R4G2, General Electric CF6-50E/E1/E2 and Rolls-Royce RB211-524B2/C2/D4.”

“Weights and selected performance are presented on the following pages for only the 747-200B Stretched Upper Deck. 747-100B/SR and Combi performance is not shown.”

KLM Boeing 747-200 (PH-BUM) tkaen in May 1980 before the SUD upgrade. Photo by Udo Haafke.

KLM Boeing 747-200 (PH-BUM) tkaen in May 1980 before the SUD upgrade. Photo by Udo Haafke.

The same KLM Boeing 747-200 now with a Stretched Upper Deck. Taken in August 2003.

The same KLM Boeing 747-200 (PH-BUM) now with a Stretched Upper Deck. It looks like a Boeing 747-300, but really is still a -200. Taken in August 2003. Photo by Savvas Garozis.

 Images by Udo K Haafke and  Savvas Garozis

Boeing 747-100 SUD Boeing 747-200 SUD PH-BUM Stretched Upper Deck

David Parker Brown

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & FOUNDER - SEATTLE, WA. David has written, consulted, and presented on multiple topics relating to airlines and travel since 2008. He has been quoted and written for a number of news organizations, including BBC, CNN, NBC News, Bloomberg, and others. He is passionate about sharing the complexities, the benefits, and the fun stuff of the airline business. Email me:
How is the Boeing 737NG Different From the Classic? Guest Blog Part 1
February 6, 2012

Any Idea how many were done?

Reply to TerminalWander
Gordon Werner
March 8, 2012

JAL had two 747SRs converted (msns 23390/23637)
KLM had three 747-200s converted (msns 21848, 22376, 22379)
KLM had five 747-200s (w/Side Cargo Doors) converted (msns 21550, 21549, 21660, 22380, 21659)
Air France had two 747-200s (w/Side Cargo Doors) converted (msns 22515, 22514)

I think those are the only ones …

Reply to Gordon
August 7, 2012

would these 2 AF aircraft be part of the fleet of UTA planes taken over by Air France when the french government arranged the take-over ?

Reply to retired/LON
February 6, 2012

Hmm. I had no clue that some 742 airframes were still in scheduled PAX service with ‘major’ carriers – like KLM. They must be a huge load operationally and for maintenance. And, if I’m not mistaken, the 742s still require a 3-person flightdeck crew, that poor old engineer sitting at a right ange to the rest of the family. As the previous commenter asked, do you have any idea about how many of these conversions were done – and how many remain in service? As an aside, my first 747 experience was a 741, Paris to Chicago and back, winter of 1972 – I think. Both directions made their major pit stop (fuel, cleaning, catering, crew change etc.) in Montreal (might have been Toronto, but I don’t think so) before continuing on. On those birds, the small, unmodified upper deck was a First Class lounge with a small bar; no regular seating. Through some special arrangements (decades before 9-11 and that I won’t talk about) I was able to spend most of both flights in a cockpit jump seat. It was a lot of fun! I also recall that, short of take-offs and landings, the Engineer (SO) did most of the in-flight work. Again, I’m very surprised to learn that the 742 is still in active PAX service with major carriers. -C.

Reply to Cook
February 6, 2012

KLM don’t have any 742s still in service. Biman Bangladesh or Transaero are the easiest way to catch these birds.

Reply to Mitchell
February 6, 2012

Did any other airlines besides KLM convert any 742s to the SUD design?

I read somewhere that the aerodynamics of a SUD give a slight increase in airspeed over the standard upper deck. Anyone know if this is true?

743s also had a flight engineer, It wasn’t until the 744 that it went to a 2 person flight crew, true?

Reply to jmx53
February 6, 2012

Nice post on An Inside Look at the Boeing 747 Stretched Upper Deck (SUD). Here i am providing good information on all airlines companies history, phone number, call center number, toll free number, baggage fares, check in and more in “”.

Reply to Airlines
February 7, 2012

I do not believe KL operates the -200sud any longer. (That photo was taken in 2003). Of the 747’s, I think KL only operates the -400, -400K, -400ERF.


Reply to Philip
February 7, 2012

Correct though the -400ERFs have been leased to Martinair and -400K should be -400M:

Reply to John-Alan
February 7, 2012

I believe there is a US carrier called Baltia starting up right now with -200s to Russian, Latvia, Ukraine, and Belarus. It’ll be interesting to see how it goes if/when they get FAA certified for scheduled passenger service.

Reply to Peter
David Parker Brown
February 7, 2012

Yup — they have two Boeing 747-200s. Now will they actually fly passengers is the question 🙂


Reply to David
February 10, 2012

That’s exactly the post where I found out Baltia existed. I’d love to see it happen, but it’s always interesting to see whether the plans come to fruition.

Reply to Peter
Drew V
February 7, 2012

Very cool mod! I wonder why Boeing didn’t try that way back in the early 70’s?

Reply to Drew
A. Lewis
February 7, 2012

Man oh man, I remember flying those old KLM 747s JFK-AMS and AMS-NBO a few times in the 1980s and even into the early 1990s.

Reply to A.
Chris Bird
February 8, 2012

Didn’t SQ have the first DID aircraft back in the 80s? I seem to remember flying on one in 1985 or thereabouts.

Reply to Chris
Gordon Werner
March 8, 2012

Singapore had 747-300s

Reply to Gordon
January 3, 2021

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