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关于”男性名字的或故事“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Male name or story。以下是关于男性名字的或故事的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Male name or story

Allan Abel Abel Abel Abraham Abraham Adam Adam Adam Adrian Adrian Alva Alva Alva Alex alexandrix Alan Alain Alain Alain Alain Alain Alain Alain Alain Alain Alain Alain einstan Alfred Alfred Andrea Angus anger S. Anthony Anthony Arthur Arthur Austin Augustine Benjamin Benjamin Benson Dubois Benson Brent Brent Bryan Bryan Bryan Bruce Bruce Bruce the son of Bruce bruscherburg.




I'm glad you are my teacher. I like every lesson you teach me. As an example, you inspire me to dream, to work, to get my attention with your kindness.

You sow curiosity and motivation to understand, grow and succeed every day. You help me realize my potential. I appreciate what you do.

I admire you every day Just want to say, as a teacher, you are the first teacher in four seasons. Teachers are like spring, when they have questions, they will give birth to new green buds, encourage and guide them. Teachers are like summer.

Their sunny temperament makes learning a kind of fun and prevents their dissatisfaction. It is like autumn. The method is clear and clear, the course is colorful and the atmosphere is pleasant.

The teacher is like winter, and the snow is flying outside, which makes the students feel comfortable. As a warm and helpful guide teacher, you have a happy attitude in doing these things. You are the teacher of the four seasons Thank you very much.




What men really think about our clothes when it comes to fashion, most men may not care much about buying the same things and cosmetics, but when it comes to how sexy a woman looks, when she's dressed up all over or just wearing sweatpants, men are totally absorbed, or their eyes, we should say they're visual creatures. You don't think they care about sex What's the new fashion trend or the price of a vest (well, as long as it looks good on a woman and hugs her curves in all the right places, that's good enough for them, then what's the fun of seeing a girl like what they like? Here's what's the fun The conclusion: men like to wear T-shirt women, tight jeans will make casual, natural look not so bad, after all, it is sexy, curve is also very prominent, but it is still unimaginable. Raphael, a designer from Los Angeles, says her husband prefers her.

Most of the time, when she's wearing jeans, T-shirts and men without make-up, they don't like women wearing clothes that look more expensive than their cars. Men don't like Chanel, although it looks good, says Dan, a Manhattan comedian, which will make most heterosexual, down-to-earth men People run in the other direction, well, we guess high maintenance isn't really different from them, it's good, different or unique clothing reflects a confident woman who is confident to say, even if it's not the most physically attractive dress, the idea behind it can be psychologically stimulating. It's great that we love this is that this dress is too different, the tights are really great.

The men here like to fit yoga pants, which may be our best choice. They do make our tusks look good. I don't know when it's acceptable to wear, but I'm glad they say that Mike from NC, high heels are sexy, not to mention that every man likes women with high heels.





标签: 八级 英文 作文 万能 故事

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