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NPP-Studio NPP-Studio NPP-Studio NPP-Studio

The narrow pixel pitch LED Display is a type of LED display that uses LED technology to display images and videos.  Narrow Pixel Pitch LED Displays have the standard, typically less than 2.5mm, like P2.5, P 1.875, P1.5 P1.25, P0.9, P0.625 etc. 

The Key technical parameters are here based on : 

1) Low brightness less than 600nits 

2) High grey scales 

3) High refresh rate 

4) Right system control and video processors 

Resulting in a higher resolution and a more detailed and vivid image, NPP has been often used in high-traffic areas such as Studios, airports, shopping centers, sports arenas control-rooms other public spaces where a clear and detailed image is very essential. They have been also used in high-end applications such as museums, luxury retail stores, corporate lobbies and other places where visual impact and high resolution is so important as well. 

 By application of the narrow pitch pixel, the market is divided into broadcast screens, digital signage, control rooms & monitoring, visualization & simulation and so on.  And those applications with NPP has been in the trends from SMD  to COB – Micro led and COG in the coming 2 or 3 years. If you have more interests please reach us by e-mails.

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TV studio

The applications of NPP in the TV Studio

A major feature of LED for the NPP is its high resolution and pixel density. It can significantly improve image resolution and color reproduction in the limited space for TV studios. LED for NPP can also achieve modular splicing installation, each module of the LED display screen is a complete display unit after the size of those display units are fixed which ensures perfect image consistency and integrity during installation side by side splicing with the advantages for overall controllability and easy maintenance. That is also the reason why more designer chooses NPP for TV studios.

 LED NPP for the TV studio has the request for applications characteristics such as low brightness, high greyscale, high refresh rate, high contrast, and low reflection. Also, NPP is a highly thought-provoking and visually impactful lighting design method, which can enable the audience to have a better feeling and enjoyment with the performance from the TV studios.

due to their lack of seams and small unit size it can easily meet the requirements of internal flexible shaped design for TV Studio. They are superior to other panels in contrast, color, and other aspects. Therefore, broadcasting and television applications are equipped with the high-definition LED especially for the NPP which has been chosen by TV studio designers.

The video background applications in the live broadcast room and TV station which have strict requirements on:

Color temperature,





 Refresh rate 

And other technical indicators of the display panel. It needs to have the professional consultant to check the key components to match the right technical parameters in choosing the right raw materials and components especially in the Led chip led lamp IC driver and power supply and right die casting panels as well. Also, sometimes you need to consider the flexible modules as well to make the flexible panels to reach the designer’s ideas. 

To have the right TV Studios set up you need to consider: 

Studio designer 

Right Cameras 

Lighting designer 

Audio system designer 

Led display. 

Studio set Design and building. 

Lighting grip layout and cabling design for the redundant as well 

Reach us for more details in the TV studios and control room design by mail. 


Model P0.9375 P1.25 P1.5625 P1.875
Pixel Pitch(mm) 0.9375 1.25 1.5625 1.875
LED Configuration Mini 4in1 SMD1010 SMD1212 SMD1515
Module Resolution(dot) (H x V) 320 x 180 240 x 135 192 x 108 160 x 90
Module Size(mm) (H x V) 300x168.75
Module Maintenance Method Front 
Cabinet Resolution(dot) (H x V) 640 x 360 480 x 270 384 x 216 320 x 180
Cabinet Size(mm) (H x V) 600x337.5x75 
Cabinet Material Aluminum Die-cast
Cabinet Weight (kg/pcs) 6.5kg/pcs
IP Standard (Front / Back) IP20
Density(Pixels / sqm) 1137777 640000 409600 284089
Brightness Range(nits) ≥600 ≥600 ≥600 ≥600
Brightness Adjustment(Levels) 256
Best View Distance(m) 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8
Working voltage 110V / 220V
Grey Scale(bits) 13-16
Refresh Rate(Hz) 3840-7680
Frame Rate(Hz) 50 / 60
View Angle(H/V) 140/140
Max. Consumption (w/sqm) 680 680 680 680
Ave. Consumption(w/sqm) 220 220 220 220
Working Humidity  10% - 95% 10% - 95% 10% - 95% 10% - 95%
Working Temperature   -20℃ ~ 55℃
Signal Available DVI,HDMI,SDI,DP and so on
Life Span(Hours) 100000
Running Files Text , Animation, Image, Video and so on


1)P1.9 for Channel 7

TV studio 6.jpg

2)P1.5 for Brisbane TV


3)P1.5 for AFL TV


4)Studio for Olimpic Games in Tokyo 




6)Studio for Business channel

7)P1.25  for sunrise


8)P1.25 for new Channel 7

 Installation video for Skyperth on site 

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